You Will Understand With Time!

Today’s Devotion

Topic: You Will Understand With Time!

Text: John 12:16

His disciples didn’t understand of the time that this was a fulfillment of prophecy. But after Jesus entered into His glory, they remembered what had happened and realized that these things had been written about Him. Amen.

In this passage, we learn of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem sitting on a colt and being appraised. Though they had walked with Him for so long, His Disciples did not understand all that was going on.

It is most certain that we all have had situations where it was difficult to understand the ways of God. That’s ok, we are humans. Remember just as the earth is far from the heavens so is His wisdom far above that of mankind.

Beloved, if only we can accept that “Our end is to the glory of the Lord”, then we should walk with Him in patience. For what we may not understand now will become clearer when all things are fulfilled in the fullness of time.

When you don’t understand whatever may be going on in your life: pray, read the Word, apply the word, and have patience in the Lord knowing that He works in ways we can not see.

Meditate on this word and begin to pray now. Ask for the indwelling and infilling of the Holy Spirit so that you can bear His fruit of longsuffering, because, as for our God, all things are made beautiful in His time. Only those who believe in His word and have the patience to wait on Him can taste of that blessing. The choice is yours!

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