The Reason Behind It All

Today’s Devotion

Topic: The Reason Behind It All

Text: Psalm 71:7 (NLT)

“My life is an example to many, because You have been my strength and protection.” Amen

Whoever you are, and however your life may be at the moment, the truth is that there are some people who admire one thing or another about you. There may be a few more who are emulating you in one way or another. Some others may want to be just like you in totality.

Though many people may find it difficult to believe this truth, for some the thought of being a model and object of emulation to others is a good opportunity to ‘feel big.’

Some may attribute it to some life coaching courses they might have taken to better their lives and human relations, or some traceable qualities and abilities in their family lines, or just lots and lots of hard work and strong will.

On the contrary, the Psalmist tells us from today’s Scripture that it isn’t merely by some courses taken, some genetic abilities possessed, or some advantage you have over others — you owe it all to the Almighty God. That is why you cannot stop praising Him and letting others know that you are nothing without Him. After all, He has been with you from birth; from your mother’s womb He has cared for you. (v 6)

It is the Lord who has given you strength to wake up each morning over the years; strength to be able to achieve this much; strength to face one trial or failure after the other and still come out whole.

It is He who grants you protection on a daily basis from the arrows that fly by day and by night, and ensures that your path is secured for the fruitful labour that others see and admire.

For those who might still be struggling to make something out of life, the Psalmist is pointing it out to you that the strength and protection you need to excel is found nowhere else than in God the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. 

Begin to pray: ask for the gracious hand of God to be involved in all you do. It is in your own interest that you “lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind, and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” (Prov. 3:5&6 AMP)

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