Forget Not Your God!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Forget Not Your God!
Text: Hosea 13: 5- 6

5 I cared for you in the wilderness, in the land of burning heat. 6 When I fed them, they were satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot me. AMEN.

The Bible gives account of how God took Israel through the wilderness when He brought them out of Egypt, and rescued them from the hands of a people who were too strong for them.

A wilderness is an uncomfortable place; a place where there is scarcity of food and water because the land is simply a desert. In our lives, a wilderness today could be any circumstance of dryness, scarcity, heat, famine and patching thirst that brings discomfort, despair or hopelessness. Sometimes, it translates as sickness, poverty, joblessness, insecurity, dejection, affliction, etc.

Let us quickly emphasize though, that in spite of the realities in the wilderness experience, God never forgets His people. In the lives of the Israelites, He worked many miracles to create a wonderful oasis each day till their journey was done. This included raining down manna (food) and providing water through solid rocks. His faithfulness never ceased towards them even when they reached the promise land.

However, Israel was mostly not so satisfied with Jehovah’ mighty interventions for them. And when they did, they became proud and will go on to forget all about God immediately. As a matter of fact, they forgot God so easily and turned to idol worship whenever they got to their comfort zone.

Today, many of us have taken to the lives of our forefathers. We pray “Lord, I need a job; I need a spouse; I need a scholarship to further my studies…”. After the breakthrough comes, we become like the Israelites. We become proud and forget the God by whose very mercies we exist.

Dearly beloved, this day, the Word of God is pointing out to us that it is much more easier for us to forget our God when everything seems alright than when we are in need. So, make a conscious effort to honor God through the thick or thin. If today you are rich, remember you were once poor; If you have reached a greater height in academia, remember where you started from; if you have a good job, remember you once never had a job.

Let us learn to acknowledge God in all our ways, no matter what. He is not finished with us yet. He has greater plans for us; plans of good and not evil, to bring us to an expected end and to give us hope (Jer. 29: 11).

Do not, in the complacency of your current position, think you can do without God. Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). God is our source and if we break away from Him, we lose our cover; we lose our victory and we become like a sheep without a shepherd.

Meditate on the above and begin to pray now. Ask for a humble and grateful heart to remain under the mercies of God even when you arrive at the place of plenty.

Remember, our good times or the bad, does not change who God is at all. Let us honor Him at all times. Click:

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