You Will Experience Remarkable

Today’s Devotion
Topic: You Will Experience Remarkable Things If You Believe!
Text: Luke 5: 17- 26

17 One day Jesus was teaching, and the Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick.

18 Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take Him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.

20 When Jesus saw their faith, He said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” 21 The Pharisees and the teachers of the law began thinking to themselves, “Who is this fellow who speaks blasphemy? Who can forgive sins but God alone?”

22 Jesus knew what they were thinking and asked, “Why are you thinking these things in your hearts? 23 Which is easier: to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up and walk’? 24 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” Then He said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”

25 Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. 26 Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” Amen

That same Jesus is here today. Are you ready for the miraculous? He is not just able to forgive sin, He also heals diseases and turns lives around for good.

People from all walks of life gather in His name just to be taught and touched by Him. You can also receive the miracle you have been trusting Him for if you believe.

Don’t let the crowd intimidate you. Neither should you allow the murmurings and arguments of “religious folks” to distract you. They will keep arguing till they receive nothing from God.

But you, open up your heart and receive His Word. THE POWER OF GOD IS ALWAYS MIGHTY TO SAVE, HEAL AND DELIVER. Begin to pray now. Lower every one of your anxieties, worries and fears down at His feet and ACT ON HIS WORD. Something remarkable than you have ever dreamed or hoped for will come all over you. YOUR LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!
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