Wonders, Never Before Done!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Wonders, Never Before Done!
Text: Exodus 34: 10, 12

10 Then the Lord said: “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the Lord, will do for you. 12 Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you. Amen

Almighty Jehovah entered a covenant with Israel. The terms of this covenant benefited Israel either way.

*On the one hand, the covenant revealed the supernatural blessing the Lord desires to lavish on them. Such wonders never done before in any nation of the world.

  • On the other hand, Israel was to avoid any treaties with the indigenes of the land of Canaan. That could be a snare to their blessings.

This is a beautiful covenant that seeks to position the people of God for the miraculous. It actually reveals the heart of our loving Father seeking to bless His children anyway.

Please don’t just get excited about this great news. Tell all those who want the manifestation of the supernatural in their lives to join in this covenant too. Especially the many who want to see WONDERS NEVER BEFORE DONE IN ANY NATION. God gifts these blessings freely if we will let Him lead us and not sign treaties with the ungodly.

The phrase “treaty with those in the land you are going” simply refers to forming alliances with, and condoning the ungodly practices of those who defiantly live contrary to the word of God.

If we sign up with such people, they will be a snare to us. They will entice us to the sin that binds them till we join in. However if we refuse a treaty with them, but co-exist with them in love (thus, demonstrating the Love of Christ), then we stand a chance of winning them over to this new covenant we have with the Father THROUGH CHRIST!

Meditate on the above and begin to pray now. Pray for the manifestation of the miraculous in your life through faith. Also pray against the temptation of forming alliances that impede our blessings. For why should anyone or thing become a snare to God’s promises for your life.

Beloved get ready to encounter 4JBAND IN A LIVE RECORDING CONCERT AGAIN, ON 27TH OF DECEMBER HERE IN ACCRA. Dubbed: Moriah Praise Reload. TIME IS 3PM SHARP. IT WILL BE AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE WITH THE LORD THROUGH GREAT MUSIC. Be part of this groundbreaking service. Click: https://youtu.be/1rY0zpRd-ok

(www.yonghana.org, Like our Facebook page: Y OUTREACH NETWORK)

Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion