On Account of You

Today’s Devotion
Topic: On Account of You
Text: John 12: 10, 11

“Then the leading priests decided to kill Lazarus too, for it was on account of him that many people were believing in Jesus.” Amen

The fact remains that each of us desires one breakthrough (miracle, answered request, etc) or another, at any given time in our lives. It is never out of place to desire so, and God is always pleased to bless us and grant our requests.

The Scripture above, however, points out two things to expect, after every God-given breakthrough:

1) It must draw people to develop a relationship or personal faith in Jesus. That long-awaited miracle must get people eager to have an encounter with the JESUS you know. And possibly get them to build a relationship with Him too.

2) The forces of evil will not be excited at the fact that your breakthrough is making others believe in Christ, so they will come after you. But glory be to God who hws not given us as a prey to their teeth. Rather, He grants us victory everyday, through the blood of Jesus.

Therefore, beloved, do not relent in prayer; keep asking, seeking and knocking. For He who asks, receives. He who seeks, finds. He who knocks, gets opened. But after you have received your breakthrough, it is expedient to remain connected to the source of your breakthrough (Jesus Christ Himself).

Your testimony must inspire others to believe in God. At the same time, because it is going to attract evil ones into a desire to destroy you, it is greatest to remain steadfast in, and covered by the Lord.

Begin to pray now. Commit to Jesus all you are, and are going through. Invite Him into your difficult situation until victory becomes your song. After this, make sure you witness Jesus wherever you go. And if evil folks decide to destroy you because others will come to believe in Jesus, on account of your testimony, just take shelter in Christ.

Psalm 2: 4- 5a says, “the One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. He rebukes them in His anger.” Job 3: 17- 19 says, “There the wicked shall cease their troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master.”

Beloved, God will always bless us with countless gifts of love. At the same time, He will not deliver us to the paws of them that hate the name of the Lord. Just remain steadfast in faith, humble before Him, submit your entirety to God and resist the devil, he will flee, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME. Click: https://youtu.be/XqjlV-hN9Pw

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion