Distinguished Through Learning!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Distinguished Through Learning!
Text: Luke 2: 46- 47

After three days they found Him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard Him was amazed at His understanding and His answers. Amen

The Bible only recorded very few moments of Jesus’ childhood and even young “adulthood”. This suggests that those events recorded must be very significant to understanding the life and mission of our Lord Jesus. One of such moments, was when He went to the temple as a little boy with His parents and got “missing”. Well, when they noticed He was gone after a day, they searched another three days till they found Him in the temple courts, sitting among teachers, listening to them and asking them questions (Luke 2: 41- 43).

Beloved, before Jesus would be a teacher with disciples that hope to learn from Him, He was found in the company of teachers, listening to them and asking them questions too. That is the way to learn, that is the way to train the mind, that is the way to be distinguished; listening and asking questions.

Many of us take learning for granted. We reduce the entire concept of learning to classrooms, chalks and boards. Learning however is what we can do everyday as we interact with each other; listening and asking questions. Especially when there is one who is more advanced in the subject matter under discussion and another who is hoping to know more about the same. As they engage and discuss, there’s transfer of knowledge for mutual benefit.

It is the enlightenment of the soul/mind that distinguishes a person wherever he/she goes. It influences how he/she sees and does things; and also how they conduct themselves.

To Jesus, engaging the teachers was phenomenal firstly because He is the word they were discussing and He could, by wisdom, teach or impart a thing or two to straighten what is distorted. It was also useful for His learning, because He gets to understand how these teachers interpret or misinterpret the Scriptures so that when it is His time to teach, He can address that.

So then if Jesus, the Word of God, offered Himself to listening and asking questions about the Word He is, how about you beloved? Paul told Timothy to study to show himself approved of God (2 Tim 2: 15). By all means, identify the area of your calling or interest. Identify with people of same interest, making sure that some of those you identify with are more mature and experienced than you. Engage each other by listening and asking questions. If the discussions are healthy, you will notice with time that both parties have improved and increased in knowledge. That is how many have become distinguished in life.

Begin to pray. Ask for a heart that is always ready to learn, even in areas where you feel you have advanced knowledge. Learn from every one and everything, so long as you can by the help of the Holy Spirit identify those things that will be useful and those you should discard. You will become very distinguished to the glory of the Lord whose excellence inspired our learning.

NB: TODAY’S DEVOTION 2016, HAS LIMITED STOCK. WHATSAPP: 0241182057 FOR COPIES @ 20GH. Beloved, this book is inspired by God to meet your every spiritual need through out the coming year. Grab a copy now.

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