
Today’s Devotion:
Topic: Answer all Questions
Readings: 1cor 3:16-17 & 1kings 6:19-22 (read the passages in your bible)

According to scripture, our bodies are the temple of God and the Holy spirit dwells in us. Question is:

i. Have you really made your body a dwelling place for God most high?
ii. If so, does He stay there even as you read this?
iii. Does He have full dominion over your body?

You would agree that the answers to the questions above are not always too favourable due to all those secret and open sins we commit.

The temple we are talking about here is YOU & I, everything we are (ie. your body, soul, spirit). What have you stored up in your heart?

King Solomon after building the temple, overlaid the inside of the temple with pure Gold.What have you overlaid your temple with? Is it silver, pure Gold or fake Gold?

If your heart is overlaid with pure Gold it means the Holy Spirit has total access and dominion over your life. Fake Gold is when you share dominion with God over your life and Silver is where you have full dominion over your life.

Meditate on the above and remember: God will destroy him that destroys His temple. Anybody who hears the word of God is responsible for it…..Make a decision now, Begin to pray. (Y-Outreach Network)

Categories: Today's Devotion