Continue In Him

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Continue In Him
Text: 1 John 2: 28

And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming. Amen

The apostles of old went through trying times defending the faith. Some of the troubles we face as christians today are far less than a fraction of what Paul and the other Apostles faced. Yet they encourage us to still continue in Christ. Wow!

They must have caught the divine revelation of how continuing in the faith reaps eternal rewards that justifies the day to day challenges that confront us. Apostle Paul explains it better in Romans 8: 18. He says “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Halleluyah!

So dearly beloved, do not let your present circumstance separate you from the love of Christ! Don’t compromise on your faith and do the wrong that “everyone” seems to be enjoying . What a shame it would be if Christ comes at the moment you decide to give in to the pressures of life at the expense of your faith.

No matter what the situation may be just know that God didn’t bring you this far to let you down. Reject the lies of the devil and continue in the faith.

Continue to PRAY, STUDY THE SCRIPTURES AND LIVE A HOLY LIFE. Continue to study your books and not cheat in exams even when your fellow christian brethren are busily at it. Continue to be faithful to your spouse and the decision to stick with him/her no matter the storm.

Rise up dear one! Continue to do all the “JESUS” things that your circumstance said you couldn’t do. The Lord is faithful. Your steadfast walk with Him will definitely yield abundant blessings and eternal rewards of righteousness. Begin to pray now. PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE LAMB!

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion