Advantage Over You? No Way!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Advantage Over You? No Way!
Text: 2 Corin 2: 10b – 11

And when I forgive whatever needs to be forgiven, I do so with Christ’s authority for your benefit; lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. Amen

The arch enemy to every believer is the devil. From the day anyone accepts Jesus as Lord and Saviour, the devil does all in his might to frustrate that believer and shipwreck his/her faith in Christ. The devil uses many devices (lies and trickery) to achieve this ‘lifelong’ goal of his.

Today’s scripture cautions us to not be ignorant of the devil’s devices. One of the best avenues that puts the devil to work is the atmosphere of unforgiveness. While on earth, Jesus cautioned that “Offences will come…” (Luke 17:1). And it is so true!

No matter how seemingly perfect believers may be, there are bound to be offences as we go through each day. Sometimes these offences do come from fellow believers. At other times they come from unbelievers. But the truth is that when we entertain or give attention to offences, we give the devil a foothold or advantage to jeopardize God’s purpose for us.

In Colossians 3:13, Paul admonishes us to make room or allowance for each others’ faults (offences), because they will surely come. The next time you are tempted to respond angrily to any offence, remember that “man’s anger does not produce the righteousness God desires”. (James 1:20)

It’s important to forgive others when they hurt you. Don’t wait until you feel like forgiving, because it will never happen. Forgiveness is a choice. Because God has forgiven us in Christ, we need to decide to give that same  forgiveness to others. In doing so, Satan will lose his advantage over us.

Begin to pray now. Ask for a forgiving heart and a gentle spirit. We are children of light, darkness must never gain advantage over us. Forgive today and disarm the devil forever.

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