What’s This Bleating of Sheep I Hear?

Today’s Devotion

Topic: What’s This Bleating of Sheep I Hear?

Text: 1 Sam 15: 13-14

When Samuel reached him, Saul said, “The Lord bless you! I have carried out the Lord’s instructions. But Samuel said, “What then is this bleating of sheep in my ears? What is this lowing of cattle that I hear?” Amen

God instructed King Saul, through the prophet Samuel, to invade and UTTERLY destroy the Amalekites for the evil they did Israel whiles the latter returned from Egypt. 

Saul summoned 200,000 foot soldiers and an extra 1000 men from Judah and invaded the land. He destroyed all, but spared the best sheep and the life of King Agag.

As Samuel approached the camp of the soldiers, King Saul greets Him and says, “I have carried the Lord’s instructions.” Samuel replies, “What then is this bleating of sheep in my ears?”

Beloved, if we have indeed surrendered​ our lives fully to Christ and obey Him just as we claim to be doing, then where from these sounds of bleating sheep all around us? Talking about those things we do to please ourselves and fellow men even when we know they are contrary to what God has commanded us to do.

We still fornicate, steal and cheat big time. We lie our way through everything. At times we are the most unforgiving persons on earth, yet the first at church and the last to leave. We act and speak to make everyone believe we walk in perfect obedience, yet in our hearts of hearts, we know we are not.

Child of God, begin to reflect on the sounds of bleating sheep in your very life today and ask the Holy Spirit to deliver you from disobedience. Pray for the grace to take and obey God’s Word at all times; no matter what. Remember that no excuse is ever tangible enough, and obedience is most certainly better than sacrifice.

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Categories: devotion