What Can Come, Can Come?

Today’s Devotion
Topic: What Can Come, Can Come?
Text: Proverbs 27: 12

The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. Amen

The book of proverbs is full of nuggets that are life changing. It tries very hard to differentiate the life of the wise from that of the foolish; and that is what life itself tries to do. By our deeds, thoughts, words and actions, life categorizes us as either wise or foolish, and rewards us accordingly.

The above text explains that a wise person is able to discern when danger is approaching and therefore takes shelter. But the foolish meets it head-on and suffers the penalty thereof.

So then when a person ignores the Word of God and lives for everything pleasurable; screaming in the town square that “whatever can come, should come”, and yet has no plan to handle whatever is coming that will come, then he is not being a ‘guy’ – he is making the biggest mistake of his life. He will suffer for every caution he ignored till he regrets ever being so foolish.

But when another person sees that he is heading straight for doom with his lifestyle, choices and association with the things of the world; and decides to fear God and obtain wisdom; to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour; decides not to sit in the counsel of the ungodly nor sit in the seat of scoffers. But make the Word of God his delight and on it he rather would meditate day and night; he has taken shelter then, and this shelter will definitely keep him far from danger.

Think about this, beloved. Those who are ready for life and whatever in it that is coming, are those who have seen that this whole world has nothing but trouble to offer them and have therefore taken shelter in the Lord. Their actions and thoughts keep them far from harm’s way. But those who embrace sin and make deadly choices without even seeing the danger in them are foolish. Very soon they will suffer much for being so foolish not to realize that there are consequences for every action man takes.

The choice is yours then. Maybe the decision is not even about those who will be in the category of the wise or otherwise. Rather, those who will choose life unto eternity and those who will choose the suffering of hell and head straight for it.

Be prudent enough to see the danger that comes for all those who reject the Lord Jesus as Saviour. The day of reckoning comes very soon. The simple will be taken unawares. Choose righteousness and live.

Categories: Today's Devotion