We’ve Come This Far By Grace!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: We’ve Come This Far By Grace!
Text: 1 Chronicles 29:14

But who am I, and who are my people, that we could give anything to you? Everything we have has come from you, and we give you only what you first gave us! Amen

You know we have only made it this far by grace, oh yes! If it had not been Jesus on our side, the story would have been different.

The devil never willed this for you. He has never wanted us blessed and forgiven. He’s been working hard to have us stolen, killed and destroyed.

However, thanks be to the Almighty God who redeems us from destruction. It is He who has shown kindness to the undeserving, opened doors for us and lifted us where we should have been down!

i. how He healed and delivered you and the members of your household.

ii. how you landed this job or gained admission into this institution of studies.

iii. how He sailed you through every examination and challenge of life

iv. how He raised you from ashes, establishing you on higher grounds

v. how He made the impossible happen for you.

Why do we struggle each time we have to give back to God a token of what He already gave us? It seems very selfish to come this far and still entertain negative thoughts each time you must give your time, availability or possesion to support the course of Christ.

Make a decision today to re-dedicate all you are and have back to God for His use. God will not be indebted to any man, He gives more for your loss. A grateful heart will never lack.

Watch this video as you meditate on the word and be blessed. https://youtu.be/QhPTOKj6zjc

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion