Wait for the Lord!

Today’s Devotion

Topic: Wait for the Lord!

Text: Psalm 130: 5-6

5 I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope. 6 I will wait for the Lord more than the watchmen wait for the morning, more than the watchmen wait for the morning. Amen

In a world where everything can change within the twinkling of an eye, waiting is perhaps one of the hardest truths that nobody – not even the believer – is ready to accept.

To some people,  friends you graduated with may have secured well-paying jobs and you may still be unemployed. To others, your collegues may already be married, and people keep asking you of when you are getting married. Still to some others, you feel your education is lagging behind because most of your colleagues are upgrading themselves ahead of you.

Sometimes it is so difficult to get an answer or a reason when you are being confronted with issues of life that make you feel like you are not being progressive. 

But who are you accountable to? Your friends? Absolutely not! The Psalmist says “I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope”.

Beloved, when you have put in all the efforts, but nothing seems to be working, put your hope in the Word of God – the true God who has never ever forsaken the righteous. 

The waiting time is the time for you to prepare. It’s the period to toughen you and get you the real life experience you will need to shape your future. In fact, preparation forms the foundation for the manifestation. 

You ought to wait like the watchmen who wait till morning. The watchman does not know the hour the thief will break into the house so he has to wait till the morning. One remarkable thing is that the watchman keeps himself busy so that he wouldn’t sleep. In your period of waiting, continually pray with the Word of God in hope that the Lord will visit you in His time. Do not allow pressure from friends and family to cause you to rush into making any decision. Wait on God.

Begin to pray. Ask God to help you obey Him as He orders your steps. Tell Him to give you the grace to wait for the appointed time when He makes everything beautiful for you. Remember, those that wait upon the Lord shall always renew their strength.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion