The Power of God Will Be Present To Heal!

​Today’s Devotion

Topic: The Power of God Will Be Present To Heal!

Text: Luke 5: 17-19
17 One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralysed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. Amen
Jesus was teaching in the temple and His greatest opposers (ie. the Pharisees, and the teachers of the law), had come from all over the province to find fault as usual.
However, someone else was present; The Holy Ghost! His presence is the only presence that really matters. He is the Power of God in action. His presence provided a strong healing anointing in the room.
Although many had already flooded the place, those who knew they needed a Saviour, still went against the odds to catch the attention of the Lord.
Today is sunday, and you can have all the excuse in the world as to why you cannot go to church. You can complain about all those fault finders, pharisees, and hypocrites whose attitudes put you off. 
But as you stay back and complain, others who know that JESUS will be teaching, and the power of the Holy Ghost will be there to heal every form of spiritual, physical, financial and social disease, will rise up and go! By their faith they will definitely catch the Lord’s attention and He will make them whole.
Don’t end up a faultfinder yourself; stop focusing on the Pharisees and all the others who make you not ‘enjoy’ the service as you would have. Rather, look to JESUS — the author and finisher of your faith. One touch from His hands is all that is needed for your total transformation; and your life will never be the same again. See you at CHURCH.
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