The Potter And His Clay!

Today’s Devotion
Topic : The Potter And His Clay!
Text: Jeremiah 18: 1- 6.

1 This is the word that came to Jeremiah from the LORD: 2 “Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will give you my message.” 3 So I went down to the potter’s house, and I saw him working at the wheel. 4 But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.

5 Then the word of the LORD came to me. 6 He said, “Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel. Amen.

We sing “Take my life and let it be”, “I surrender all” and “I am thine oh Lord”; but no! We don’t mean one word of those precious hymns. We really do not want to loose all of ourselves to God, just like how the people of Isreal were in Jeremiah’s time. They found it extremely difficult to submit to and settle in God’s will.

One day the Lord asked Jeremiah to visit the potter’s house and observe him. The prophet obeyed and observed something unique. The potter removed all impurities from the clay and beat it till malleable. Then he spins the clay round on a wheel and creates a beautiful pot out of it.

_Although the clay mires his hands, the potter is not bothered because he knows the clay will not stick anymore once it’s gone through the entire process, especially the oven. The oven dries all the moisture that make the clay vulnerable, allowing it to be toughened against all other forms of heat and pressure that the pot might go through or encounter._

The interesting thing is that the clay doesn’t know what shape or style it is going to take. Yet it neither questions the potter nor interferes with the moulding process. It must trust the experienced potter as one who knows how best to perfect beauty in it and then yield entirely to the potter’s plan.

Beloved, God is the potter and we are the clay. Is it possible for the clay in the hands of the potter to retort; “what is it you are moulding me into” or ” i don’t want this shape, I want to be like this or that other pot”? Certainly not! Yet we do that to God all the time.

We do not like the way we look, talk and even walk. Some of us do not like the very shape of our nose or the colour of our skins. What’s worse? We do not allow Him to lead our lives the way He created us for. We are always comparing ourselves with others and feeling very discontent about our own lives.

Beloved in Christ, like a morsel of clay in a potter’s hand, let us totally submit to the potter’s ingenuity. He’s an expert in moulding all problematic raw materials into vessels of honour. He will perfect us to the glory of His name. As we journey through yet another day, begin to pray and submit to the Potter’s will. Ask God to help you go through all that He allows your way so you are equipped for every good work.

Always remember you are a great and beautiful vessel in the potter’s mighty hands. It’s just a matter of time till He displays your beautiful and unique patterns on the shelves for all to know how much He loves and cares for you.

Now we can sing “take my life”, “I surrender all” and “I am thine oh Lord” without holding back. He’s our Maker, He will never make a mistake with your life.

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