The Lord’s Favour Outshines All!

Today’s Devotion
Topic : The Lord’s Favour Outshines All!
Text: Genesis 39:2

“And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man…Amen”

Throughout scriptures, we see how ordinary men rose from “nothing” to “so much” because the favour of the Lord was upon them. This favour distinguished them from the rest and deposited in them an indescribable mark of excellence.

Think of Joseph. He was thrown into a well and sold into slavery by his own brothers ( Genesis 37:23-28). But even as a slave, he was so valuable that he was put in charge of his master’s whole household.

When he was falsely accused by his master’s wife (Genesis 39:17-18) and put into prison, the Lord gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. And he was put him in charge of the whole prison. How is that even possible? It can only be the favour of the Lord.

When Pharaoh needed someone to govern Egypt and administer the nationwide feeding program during the famine, he didn’t choose any of his officials. He chose Joseph, a prisoner, a slave. (Genesis 41:41)

Beloved, there’s never an excuse to not keep faith with the Lord. It doesn’t matter if you’re currently without a job, or you haven’t found a suitable marriage partner, or you even experience maltreatment (especially from your superiors) at work. Everything changes once Jehovah covers you with His favour. He will make all things work together for your good.

Begin to pray for the FAVOUR of the Lord upon all that you do. THIS WEEK IS PACKED WITH TESTIMONIES FOR YOU! DON’T MISS OUT! PRAY NOW! Watch and be blessed:

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion