The Fruit Of This Righteousness Will Be Peace.

Today’s Devotion
Topic: The Fruit Of This Righteousness Will Be Peace.

Introduction: It has always been useful to receive God’s Word like a child. That way, our pride and limited logical reasoning do not get a chance to obstruct the import of the message that is meant for us. So in meditation, it is better to break the scriptures down into “minute units” and allow the Holy Spirit to grant you full understanding in the text. Now let us read the text for today, and meditate on the verse 18.

Text: Isaiah 32: 16- 18
16 The Lord’s justice will dwell in the desert, His righteousness live in the fertile field. 17 The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. 18 My people will live in peaceful dwelling-places, in secure homes, In undisturbed places of rest. Amen

The above simply explains the wonderful blessings that should come to each person who will allow the righteousness of God in their lives. For those of us in the new testament era, the righteousness of God simply refers to believing in the Lord Jesus Christ and allowing His Holy Spirit to live the ‘God-kind-of-Life’ through you.

To those who do this, Isaiah 32: 17 says “the fruit of that kind of righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. “My people will live in peaceful dwelling-places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.” (vrs 18).


I. My People: This connotes people God (Himself) calls His own [MY]. Those who honour and revere the Name of the Lord in their actions, words and thoughts. They are people who show love to others and obey the commandments of God.

ii. …Will live: They shall not be dead in any area of their lives.

iii. …Will inhabit in peaceful dwelling-places: Wherever these God-fearing people are, will be peaceful. Their homes, workplaces, schools etc. You will agree that poor health, trouble and poverty, affects the tranquillity of the mind. Thus when God Almighty says you will live in PEACEFUL DWELLING-PLACES, then surely you will be free from ill health, poverty, spiritual and physical attacks and all other obstacles that are thrown against you.

iv. …In secure homes: In such a home the family is well grounded. The head of the home, the father, is a good spiritual head who takes up his responsibilities without shirking any of them. He loves his wife unconditionally, disciplines his children and is generally a good example. The wife also respects her husband, sees to the affairs of the home, is dutiful, prayerful and supports her husband in everything he does to achieve only excellent results. The children also honour their parents and listen to their wise counsel.

v. …In undisturbed places of rest: The very environment in which they live and work cannot be shaken. Their environment is free from ungodly spirits, immorality, pain, anger, war, terrorist attacks, armed robbers, famine, failing economic environment, unprofitable businesses, etc.

Carefully meditate on the above and begin to pray. Confess Christ as Lord and receive the gift of God’s righteousness through the seal of the Holy Spirit.

Now, Jesus has said, “You may ask anything in my name, and I will do it” (John 14: 14). Why don’t you declare the blessings above over yourself and your household therefore, believing in your heart that the fruit of this righteousness received will be PEACE over all you are and do.

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