The Encounter

​Today’s Devotion

Topic: The Encounter

Text: John 4: 42

They said to the woman, “we no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Saviour of the world.” Amen

The woman at the well gave Jesus a “tough” time but in a while, she realised Jesus was the Messiah her soul had been craving to encounter. She rushed to Samaria and told them about a wonderful Man she had just met who had revealed all her secrets. Could He be the Christ?

At this, the whole town came running to encounter Jesus too. They would not just dwell on her testimony alone… “They’ve got to know Him for themselves.” When they met Him, they believed and even urged Him to stay on a little longer.

Maybe you came to know about Jesus through the testimony of someone or through Christian music/ movie. The question now is:  have you had a personal encounter with Him? Are you found in Him and known as His?

What’s more? An encounter with the Lord must never remain a one time experience. In every day’s deliverance, our Jesus we discover. There are so many deep levels in Him to encounter. That is why the people of Samaria entreated Him to stay a little longer. 

You can not encounter Jesus one time and be content. There’s so much more in Him. He’s Healer to the sick, Father to the fatherless, Comforter to the grieving family, Salvation to the sinner, Bread to the hungry, Friend to the lonely and Rest to the weary. The more you know Him, the more you will want to know Him.

If you did encounter Him before, don’t just turn and walk away. Build on this encounter, a personal relationship with Christ. Connect to Him through prayer, Bible study, fellowship and obedience. Dwell in His presence, feast at His table and watch Him reflect His glory through you day by day. Your life will never be the same again.

Meditate on this and pray now, so that the love of Christ will compel you to seek Him more everyday. Those who do become more like Him everyday, and in everyway.

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Categories: devotion