Recipe For Conquest: Just Your God And A Few Loyal Brethren

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Recipe For Conquest: Just Your God And A Few Loyal Brethren
Text: 1 Samuel 14: 6

Jonathan said to his young armour-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few. Amen

We have read from many sources of how much strength there is in numbers, and it’s very true. But what is the use of a great deal of care-free, timid and unwilling people to a king who’s bent on advancing towards an enemy till he’s won total victory? Won’t they rather drain his resources, slow down his pace and wear him out with their negativity? Think about this!

One day Jonathan, son of Saul, said to his young armour-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the Philistine outpost on the other side.” But he did not tell his father. This is because instead of being the watchman over Israel as God had mandated him to be, Saul was rather staying on the outskirts of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree in Migron. With him were about six hundred men, among whom was even the priest (ie. Ahijah, who was wearing an ephod. He was a son of Ichabod’s brother Ahitub son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the LORD’s priest in Shiloh). No one was aware that Jonathan had left.

Now where Jonathan was headed for was not easy. On each side of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost was a cliff. Jonathan said to his young armour-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the LORD will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving, whether by many or by few.” “Do all that you have in mind,” his armour-bearer said. “Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.”

Jonathan said, “Come on, then; we will cross over toward them and let them see us. If they say to us, ‘Wait there until we come to you,’ we will stay where we are and not go up to them. But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ we will climb up, because that will be our sign that the LORD has given them into our hands.” So both of them showed themselves to the Philistine outpost. “Look!” said the Philistines. “The Hebrews are crawling out of the holes they were hiding in.”

The men of the outpost shouted to Jonathan and his armour-bearer, “Come up to us and we’ll teach you a lesson.” So Jonathan said to his armour-bearer, “Climb up after me; the LORD has given them into the hand of Israel.” Jonathan climbed up, using his hands and feet, with his armour-bearer right behind him. The Philistines fell before Jonathan, and his armour-bearer followed and killed behind him. In that first attack Jonathan and his armour-bearer killed some twenty men in an area of about half an acre.

Then panic struck the whole army — those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties — and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God. Then Saul said to the men who were with him, “Muster the forces and see who has left us.” When they did, it was Jonathan and his armour-bearer who were not there. Then Saul and all his men assembled and went to the battle. They found the Philistines in total confusion, striking each other with their swords. So on that day the LORD saved Israel, and the battle moved on beyond Beth Aven.

So you see, Beloved, you may not need an army the size of a football field to advance a godly “course” or vision. Just your absolute trust in the Lord and a few loyal brethren who believe in God and in the vision as well. Where you meet obstacles on your way, as it happened to Jonathan when he realised the cliffs all over, climb them with your hands and feet and those who have offered their support for this course will do same behind you. Being careful to know that God is with you every step along the way is the most important of all to do. The rest is for the Lord to do. Nothing hinders Him from saving, whether by many or by few.

Meditate on this and begin to pray. The godly vision you have must not lie idle anymore. Ask for directions from God, get the support of a few godly people who trust God as much. Confront your challenges and watch the Lord bring you victory from Zion. In that same vain, if the enemy appears too close for comfort, forget about those who are not taking the initiative towards victory. Confront him in prayers with a few brethren “who’ve got your back”. God will send panic waves through the camp of the enemy. Now the other believers will join in till absolute victory is won for the people of God.

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