Prudent Or Simple?

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Prudent Or Simple?
Text: Proverbs 22: 3

3 The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty. Amen

Life always presents a complex reflection of two realities that are directly opposite each other; light or darkness, day or night, good or bad, hot or cold etc.

It seems almost impossible to experience both extreme realities at the same time. This is because there are conditions and principles that usher in one or the other. Once those prerequisites are met, we cannot experience otherwise.

One of such contrasting realities to be discussed today is being PRUDENT (wise) or SIMPLE (ordinary/ foolish). Proverbs 22: 3 explains one of the many conditions that goes to indicate that an individual is either PRUDENT or SIMPLE. And this is it:
“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty”.

Which of the two are you Child of God? Which of the two do you choose to be? If you “claim” to possess the wisdom of Christ, why do you play truant at work? Why do you embezzle funds allocated for projects? Why do you still take bribes for services you are paid to render? Why do you keep going to ritualists for “solutions”? Why do you defile your marital bed? Why do you cheat in exams? Why are you entangled by premarital sex, perverse addictions and fraud? WHY CAN’T YOU SEE

Those who are prudent realized the DANGERS ahead of them if they continued in the vices, they took a decision to give up their old self, sought refuge in Jesus and now live lives that glorify the Lord. But the simple, are still totally deluded. “They are now warming up to begin”. They can’t seem to have enough of what they seek. They keep going until they pay the High penalty for their folly. Some pay with a jail sentence, others lose dear friends and partners, some with sleepless night and depression, Others EVEN DEATH, and ultimately- HELL.

Assess yourself this morning, are you prudent or simple? Take a decision to be PRUDENT in all you do and say, it will save you some high penalty tomorrow. Pray now…. seek refuge in Jesus Christ!

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