Our Redeemer And Judge

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Our Redeemer And Judge
Text: John 3:16

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Amen

A story is told of a young man who wasted away his life by committing one crime after another. Sadly, to him, he was living the dream of independence and free will until his arrest in a pub one Saturday dawn. All his freedom and independence was soon gone.

He was made to appear before a judge for trial two weeks later. The judge, by the standards of the law, found him guilty as he had been on the police wanted list for murder, robbery and malice. His sentence was a $125,000 fine or to spend 15 years in jail.

That was when he realised he had made a big mistake living the kind of life he did. He pleaded in tears for mercy but the judge said, “look, by law, it is either you pay fine within 24 hours of this judgement or you stay in jail for 15 years with hard labour”.

After the verdict and court proceedings, the judge, taking pity on the young man, sat in his car and wrote him a cheque to pay for his fine so he would not have to go to jail by the next day. He also asked that the young came home after the next day’s proceedings so that he can help him out of his weakness to live a more acceptable life.

This is what Jesus did for us. By the standards of God’s fair and impartial judgments, man had fallen through disobedience and was condemned for eternal condemnation. We owed a debt we could not pay. But God our merciful judge after passing a fair judgment became the redeemer for the fines we could never pay.

The price for sin is death! Rom.6:23. Jesus paid that full price of our sins with His blood. Now He presides over our translation from darkness into light. So that we will become the righteousness of God; a chosen generation, holy nation and royal priesthood. The life of sin is no more, all things has become new.

Today, let the message of salvation have a meaning in your life. Rev. 3:20 “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. You who have never appreciated the love of God; and you who have wandered far from home, COME! The merciful judge is waiting with your redemption papers in His hands. He is a loving Father, He will save you if you are willing.

Pray now, admit that you are sinner. Acknowledge and believe with your heart that Jesus died for your sins and ask Him into your heart as Lord and Saviour. Angels rejoice over this decision and action you have taken today. Welcome to the best family on earth and in the life to come. A life lived with Christ unto eternity: it’s awesome! WHY DON’T YOU COME!

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion