No Blows, Few Blows Or Many Blows? It All Depends On You!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: No Blows, Few Blows Or Many Blows? It All Depends On You!
Text: Luke 12:47- 48

47 “The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. 48 But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Amen

The mercies of God sometimes run on divine principles, otherwise, they are His own prerogative and discretion.

Whereas the legal system of the world quotes that “ignorance of the law is not an excuse”, according to the scripture above, ignorance of our Master’s will could be partially excused to attract fewer blows for the servant who does things deserving punishment. Once they do not know what the Master’s will is, it is understandable to see them do many things their own way, with the assurance that the Master will be pleased by them.

But what will be our excuse child of God? Yes, all the believers of our time? Why don’t we deserve many blows? Are we that ignorant of our Master’s will? Is it not recorded in His word? Is the Word not available everywhere for those who are willing to know the Master’s will? Think carefully about this.

Messages, sermons, preachings, teachings and devotionals, go back and forth everyday from one Pastor to his church members, one Evangelist to all who will hear him, One believer to another, One WhatsApp subscriber of TODAY’S DEVOTION to another; all of them explaining from scriptures, what the Master’s will is. How can we claim to be ignorant then?

The Master’s will is that we love Him with all our hearts, soul and strength; to love our neighbor as ourselves and to love one another as Jesus has loved us. When we fulfil the first two that Jesus confirmed to be the greatest of the ten commandments and the third that He added in John 13: 34, we will always fulfil the Master’s will.

Seek the Master’s will therefore. Pursue it with all vigor before you blame yourself tomorrow for the many blows you receive. Don’t even settle for fewer blows due to ignorance: just a blow from our Father may be to powerful to bear. Meditate on this and begin to pray. Ask for both the craving and insight into the word and things of God. That way you will not be ignorant anymore to worry about receiving few or many blows.

To him that much is given, much is required. Don’t pretend to be ignorant of the blessings of God in your life. It is His will that you give Him glory. It is also His will that we do not stop assembling together as some are in the habit of doing (Heb 10: 25). Rise up therefore and get ready for service. Come with a grateful heart; One that is willing to do the Master’s Will.

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Categories: Today's Devotion