Love Leads To Obedience

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Love Leads To Obedience
Text: Mark 10: 21-22

Jesus looked at him and loved him. He told him, “You’re still missing one thing. Sell everything you have. Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then follow me!” When the man heard that, he looked unhappy and went away sad, because he owned a lot of property. Amen.

God sees beyond our failures, weaknesses, and struggles and loves us even in our sins. You see, the reason why this rich young man came to Jesus was because although he had observed all the Jewish laws from his infancy, he felt something was amiss in his life.

But as we see, he had actually failed in observing the first and most important law because his properties were his god and not the Almighty God.

In spite of all that Jesus still loved him. It’s been said time and again that God loves us and yes he does. When we go to Him, He listens and helps us. As a matter of principle, God require us to heed to his instructions and to be obedient.

Knowing that God loves us should motivate us to express our love to Him by being obedient to Him. It is certainly not easy but we cannot simply give up and walk away like the rich man in the passage.

Pray for grace to demonstrate your love for the master through obedience.

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