Lord: Be Our Help!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Lord: Be Our Help!
Text: Deuteronomy 33: 7

And this he said about Judah: “Hear, LORD, the cry of Judah; bring him to his people. With his own hands he defends his cause. Oh, be his help against his foes!” Amen

It was customary among the Hebrews for fathers and leaders to bless their children and followers. This they did by invoking the power of God to the aid of the rather young and inexperienced generation.

Patriach Moses, being one of the greatest Hebrew leaders of all time, was one day inspired to bless the tribes of Isreal before he would pass on. No sooner had the prophet started than he mentioned the tribe of Judah. To them he said: “Hear, LORD, the cry of Judah; bring him to his people. With his own hands he defends his cause. Oh, be his help against his foes!”.

This simple but powerful prayer from Moses suggests 3 things:
i. That Judah has been crying to God.

ii. That Judah has the potential of getting alienated or cut off from “his people” (family of God), hence the prayer that he be brought to his people.

ii. That Judah has been trying unsuccessfully to defend his cause with his own hands hence the call to the Lord to be his help against his foes.

Beloved, many of us have been crying to God for some time yet it appears the Lord has not heard us. Could it be because we struggle to remain in the fold of Christ and often find ourselves straying far from “our people” (thus, the family of God) or because, even after crying to God, we try to defend our cause by our own hands instead of the strength of God? Think about it.

For though it is undeniable how much we need the Lord in all things, Many of us really struggle to dwell in His presence and let Him have His way. We simply can not risk not being in charge of our own lives; going where we please and fighting our own battles.

Moses realised from afar that this has become Judah’s worst problem unto posterity; so he prayed for them and said to the Lord, ” Oh, Be His Help”! May Jehovah God, come to the aid of all who find themselves in Judah’s position right now in Jesus name.

To those who have become jittery in the faith and keep backsliding; May the Lord bring you home to stay. Also, those who simply cannot let go and let God; talking about those who try everything within their human abilities till it fails before they look for God; May the Lord help you prioritise Him in all things. May He also help you defeat the enemy. Breaking you away from every curse and attack so that you can both dwell in Him and let Him have His way in your life.

Begin to pray now. Pray with the hymn “Oh God Our Help In Ages Past”. Pour out on the altar of the Lord, all the weaknesses you see in your life and ask Him to be your eternal help in all things big or small. Jehovah is your source, strength and CONSTANT HELP IN TIMES OF NEED. None other, comes close to an excellent job done.

Therefore lift up thine eyes to the hills Oh Judah, from hence cometh your help? All of your help, cometh from the Lord!


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