Keeping Good Records!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Keeping Good Records!
Text: Exodus 17:13-14

13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword. 14 Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it, because I will completely blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven” Amen

Record keeping is of core value to almost every institution. Organizations spend a lot time to train its staff to ensure that proper record keeping is done. Such worthy information must be stored properly for future reference.

Individuals also have a means of keeping records on things and events that occur in our lives. We either keep them in memory, store them with friends/ family (through complaints, discussions, gossip etc) or we write them in diaries.

The only problem is: we always have the natural tendency to pay more attention to the bad things that happen to us than the good. We are careful to keep full records about these negative instances either for future revenge (retaliation) or to wallow in self pity.

It is incredible how we can provide amazing details on almost all our “failures” in life; bad days such as when we were diagnosed of a strange disease and how miserable life has been since then, the day we suffered some form of abuse, the day we got bereaved, and maybe, the day we got dismissed from work or school.

The many provisions God gives by grace are often overlooked. We hardly will keep record of how blessed we are to be alive to see this day. How the grace of God miraculously intervenes for us in life. How we are who we are because the Lamb of God took our place and died that we may live.

If we will even talk about the great events that occurred in our lives, like the day we got a job, married or travelled abroad, we do so considering why we didn’t do things differently for better or different results than we have now. Beloved, this attitude, is not the best!

Kindly note that God specifically instructed a record of the Israelites victory over the Amalikites. God has a special interest in the good things He makes happen to us. He says in John 16: 24, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.”

Let us keep records on the dumbfounding testimonies God gives us and meditate on His goodness to us day and night. Leave no room for sorrowful moments. Let us share with David who said he will bless the Lord at all times and God’s praise shall continually be in his mouth. Decide to always keep to the positive side of life no matter the storm. Begin to pray now.

No matter what life brings or where you find yourself, always remember that God is with us. Click and be blessed: 39 days to MORIAH PRAISE RELOADED. YES! 4Jband will be in concert come 27th Dec. at the CANIS MAJORIS EVENT CENTER- AWOSHIE. 3PM SHARP. IT IS GOING TO BE A LIVE DVD RECORDING AS WELL. JESUS PROMISES TO BE THERE, WHERE WOULD YOU RATHER BE? SEE YOU!

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