It is not wrong to make your case!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: It is not wrong to make your case!
Text: Numbers 27: 3- 7

3 “Our father died in the wilderness. He was not among Korah’s followers, who banded together against the Lord, but he died for his own sin and left no sons. 4 Why should our father’s name disappear from his clan because he had no son? Give us property among our father’s relatives.”

5 So Moses brought their case before the Lord, 6 and the Lord said to him, 7 “What Zelophehad’s daughters are saying is right. You must certainly give them property as an inheritance among their father’s relatives and give their father’s inheritance to them. Amen.

Zelophehad dies without a son but leaves behind five daughters. Now, the custom at the time demanded that if a deceased man dies, it is his sons who qualify to inherit his property. And if the deceased has no sons, then the inheritance passes on to his relatives.

Now, it so happened that Zelophehad died without any son to inherit his property, but his daughters would not keep quiet. They made their case before Moses until the Lord spoke in their favour.

Day in and day out, believers of today allow themselves to be cheated and bullied in so many ways – in business contracts, at work, at school, at home, etc, because they simply fail to make their case even when they are right.

We should not continue to think that “everything goes” is always the best. This attitude has resulted in many people taking undue advantage of us. To stand for your right does not mean you are not humble. In fact, God heard Zelophehad’s daughters and amended the law to read: “if a man dies and leaves no son, give his inheritance over to his daughter” (verse 8).

The Bible gives us other instances where believers made their cases and were heard. In 2 Kings 20, Hezekiah who was declared to die made his case before the Lord and fifteen (15) extra years were added to his life. Also, in 1 Chronicles 4:9, Jabez made his case before the Lord and the Lord freed him from pain which hitherto was associated with his name.

Please be reminded that making ones case before men, is by no means a license to be rude and disregard legitimate authority. The daughters of Zelophehad made an appeal to the appropriate authority for reconsideration, they did not inappropriately fight and discredit authority.

Meditate on this and begin to pray for the courage to make your case whenever need be. You are not alone. The Holy Spirit is always present to teach you what to say in your quest to make your case before men. Begin to pray now! Kindly click, watch and be blessed:

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