He Knows Your Pain

Today’s Devotion
Topic: He Feels Your Pain!
Text: Isaiah 63: 9

9 In all their distress He too was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them. In His love and mercy He redeemed them; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old. Amen

Life can be so bitter that you would wish someone else could bear all the pain you carry so that you can give a sigh of relief and go back to living a quiet and joyful life. Yet, all your sympathizers keep telling you is that “time will heal the wound”.

Yes it is very true that with time pain may subside, but the question is, “how does one hold through the storm till time heals the wound?” Especially when all friends and loved ones dessert you to your fate. How do you go through all the pain alone, when you could use some help because you are broken?

Well, glory be to God that “we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have One who has been tempted in every way, just as we are–yet He did not sin” (Heb 4: 15)

What we may not have known is that, each time we are distressed, He is distressed too. He is not some ‘god’ who travels when we need Him most and appears when the storm is calm. Our God is always with us even through the painful nights. That is how come He knows  about sorrows and anguish we go through.

In His love and favour “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honour” (1 Sam 2: 8).

“Let us therefore approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Heb 4: 16).

Begin to pray about your situation. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen you through your pain, knowing you are not alone. Pray with the song “I have a Maker, He formed my heart; before even time begun, my life was in His hands. He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call.”

Now that you are encouraged, make it known to all others that God does not only feel our pain, He (Himself) is also the solution we desire. Rise above the unbelief knowing that God is on your side. Always remember that “many are the afflictions of the righteous, BUT THE LORD DELIVERS HIM OUT OF THEM ALL” (Ps 34: 19)

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