Give thanks!

Today’s Devotion

Topic: Give thanks!

Text: 1 Thessalonians 5: 18

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Thanksgiving appears simple and easy but it is priceless. It transforms an ingrate from a place of blocked blessings to the place of plenty, where he/she has access to all good things once again.

Appreciating God for all the good received is not much of a challenge. It becomes a challenge, when we have to thank Him for the bad and ugly as well- those things we feel should never have come our way.

Has it not become almost normal, when we are faced with difficult situations, to recount all the “good” we have done and immediately feel God has been unfair to us? How could He overlook our tithing, punctuality at church, plenty prayer, generosity, etc, and allow things to go as bad as they are? WE AT THAT POINT LOOSE ALL SENSE OF GRATITUDE, AND JUST WISH TO LEGALLY PROVE TO GOD WE DON’T DESERVE WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH.

But Beloved, the question is, of what interest is it to God to see us go through terrible times? Except that it all works together for our own good! Romans 5:3-5 explains it this way, “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit whom He has given us”.

The caution is this, an ungrateful heart doesn’t receive much from the Lord. As long as we remain negative about our circumstance, we are likely to overlook the “countless good” around us. Our faith begins to dwindle and now we join unbelievers to question the integrity of God.

As for God, He is always working. He works in ways we can not see. He gives us grace for our storms and then goes ahead of us to join the pieces so the puzzle makes sense. A skill that always leaves satan dumbfounded. Just when he feels he’s done his worst, God pulls out a surprise deliverance prepared ahead of time. 

Don’t get offended in God, His love for you will not allow any situation your way that you can not bear. Just give thanks in all things and in all ways. Thank God for the good & ugly. Thank Him that your circumstances doesn’t change who He is, making it possible to keep trusting Him for positive change. If He Is The Almighty God, He will turn all things around for your good and bless you with “the more” you never even asked for.

Begin to pray now. Tell God to take away any grumbling heart and give you a heart full of gratitude.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion