Enough Is Enough!

Today’s Devotion

Topic: Enough Is Enough!

Text: James 5: 16b (NLT)

The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Amen. 

There is so much to gain from prayer than lose. It is not just a means to communicate with God but also, the opportunity to receive from God all that He is, to help us live like Him here on earth.

As a matter of fact, our lives are to model after His, in all perfection and excellence. But ask yourself if that is the case. For many of us, it is not. Apart from our struggles with sin and addictions, we can clearly identify attacks from the pit of hell affecting one area of our lives or another.

To some, it’s been demons and strange spiritual beings threatening their lives, marriages and career through dreams. To others, it is either sicknesses, diseases, stagnation, frustrations, depressions or some other psychological turmoil. This may have gone on for so long that we are almost accepting it as a norm. But no, the time to say ENOUGH has finally arrived!

Gather together all God’s people for warfare now! Especially those who have had enough of the devil’s manipulations in their lives. Also, those who hate the injustice in society, and the many more who cannot seem to find peace in their homes and communities. Tell them it is time to pray!

Empower them to realise that the earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. That is, if only they will earnestly pray the Word of God back to Him and back their prayer with Faith.

Apostle Paul commanded the church in Ephesus not to give the devil a foothold” (Ephe 4: 27); Why must we? Rise up now and begin to pray. Take authority in the name of Jesus and come against any weapon that is fashioned against you and your household; IT SHALL NOT PROSPER!

Plead the blood of Jesus over every covenant with the devil that leaves you struggling with sin, sicknesses, poverty and disappoints.

Immerse your entirety in the blood of Jesus and declare that only goodness and mercy (not curse) will follow you all the days of your life!

After praying, shake off the sorrow and walk in the assurance that your prayer has caused a shake up in the spiritual realm. From now onwards, only the counsel of the Lord will stand in your life. “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.” (Is 59: 19)

Start preparing, we must make our way to the house of the Lord. For “upon Mount Zion there shall be a deliverance, and the people of God shall posses their possessions” (Obad 1: 17). See you at church.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion