Do Your Part

Today’s Devotion

Topic: Do Your Part!

Text: Genesis 18: 6-7

So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. “Quick,” he said, “get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread.” Then he ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurried to prepare it. Amen

In the seventeenth chapter of the book of Genesis, God had assured Abraham of a son. In as much as Abraham believed God’s Word, he also did everything possible to position himself for that miracle. When he had three travellers passing by, he invited them home, and HURRIEDLY asked his wife to serve them QUICKLY. Then he tasked his servants to prepare a calf REAL QUICK. Afterward, he RUN back to host them. Can you see the urgency in his hospitality?

He did everything he could, on his own, to deny himself as much pleasure in order to make his guests comfortable. In doing this, he was actually ministering to angels on assignment (unknown to him). No wonder they released the spiritual key to unlock Abraham’s biggest blessings before they left. Yes, God had already promised, however Abraham’s positioning and obedience made it come to pass.

Beloved Child of God, do your part too! Don’t fold your arms after receiving a Word from God. Believe it and act on it in faith. Your obedience to the Holy Spirit will land you straight into your miracle.

If you are a worker, work harder; if a student, study well. Simple deeds like these will always pave way for the manifestation of God’s blessings upon your life! Don’t just sit there awaiting a miracle; arise in obedience, do your part to honour God’s Word! See you at church. 

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