Do Not Despise Anyone!

​Today’s Devotion

Topic: Do Not Despise Anyone!

Matthew 18: 10-14
10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. 12 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? 13 And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. 14 In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Amen
God created all of us in His image. According to Genesis 1: 31a, “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.” Nothing or no one created by Him is inferior or sub-standard. Let us therefore be very careful how we handle one other. Especially those we either consider ‘little’ or ‘below’ us, because they do not measure up to our financial,  social, spiritual or academic status.
Do not despise them! For God has gifted each of us,  big or small, with a special angel that ministers before Him day and night. We all are that precious in His sight.
Moreover, God demonstrates in this scripture that His love for us has no bounds and that He does not discriminate. He actually goes every extent to find each of His sheep that strays from His presence, regardless of their race or background. Now that is love!
If God will not despise but love us with His all, then we ought to do same. Reaching out to all and sundry and telling them of His great love that has found and changed us, is our greatest commission. Not despising anyone because they are little.
Never forget that every ‘little’ one can grow to be big or mature under the right conditions. No one is useless or worthless to our Lord and Saviour. He (Jesus) is going every extent to bring the lost sheep home. Do not be the one to despise and send them off again.
Regardless of their frailty, they have an angel each, who ministers before our Father in heaven. Never forget how important people mean to God; so you can treat them right!
Meditate on this and begin to pray.  Ask for a heart and a mind like that of Christ, so that you can go every extent in love until all around you have come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. 
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Categories: devotion