
Today’s Devotion
Topic: Good Farmer
Text: Luke 12:16

Then He spoke a parable to them, saying: “The ground of a certain rich man yielded plentifully”. Amen

In this common story, we are told of a certain rich man, who had accumulated so much wealth ( physical things), that he no longer considered the God who gave him a good yield. But felt his soul would feed on the abundance of his crops and goods.

Today we want to look at the passage from another perspective.One thing we should bear in mind is the fact that, only a good and well-cultivated soil, in our world today, is capable of bearing much and good fruits, all things being equal. If this rich man were to be alive, there’s no doubt that he would have won the best farmer for decades, because his ground produces abundantly.

In this same light, we as Christians must work hard to prepare, till and cultivate the grounds of our heart, to receive the seed of the word of God.

It is only on such good grounds that the word we read or hear can germinate and bear much and good fruits.

How rich are you in the Word of God, and how prepared is ur heart for godly things? Begin to pray now, ask God to plough the grounds of ur hardened heart, remove stones and broken bottles and make your heart yield abundance after you have heard the word of God. Actually, those stones and broken bottles include pride, laziness, philosophical approach to towards the word of God, sin, bitterness, being too busy for God; etc (Y-Outreach Network)

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