Devote Yourself To Prayer!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Devote Yourself To Prayer!
Text: Colossians 4: 2

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Amen

To devote to something means to give all or most of one’s time or resources to that activity. Prayer must be important then to merit such a strong advocacy from Apostle Paul. And yes it is!

Prayer remains the only means by which humanity links up with divinity. It is a necessary lifeline for all who desire the kingdom of God to come, and the will of God to be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

It is also very necessary for those who want this day, their daily bread. And the many who want their transgressions forgiven, as they forgive those who trespass against them.

Those who would not be led into temptation, but remain delivered from evil do pray as well. As a matter of fact, everyone who acknowledges that the Kingdom, power and glory belongs to God cannot help but desire fellowship with Him through prayer. Therefore wake up, devote yourself to prayer; being watchful and thankful. Don’t let laziness take the better part of you.

*BEING WATCHFUL* : Take a critical look around us now. How does your heart not yearn for prayer after all you hear in the news? Does all the hunger, war, poverty, injustice and strife not make you want to pray? What about the challenges you SEE in your family, with your career, studies, relationship, marriage and life in general?

*BEING THANKFUL*: To be thankful is to appreciate the goodness of the Lord holding everything together in spite of the challenges we have around. For what we make the world become or do to ourselves does not in anyway change God for the GOOD GOD HE IS. Thanksgiving is a powerful tool in prayer.

That Jesus should tell a parable to His disciples to show them that they should always pray and not give up (Luke 18: 1), suggests that prayer may not always be a thing that man will always desire to do. Especially when it requires an absolute focus and craving for the righteousness of God with no short cuts, lies, selfish motives and excuses allowed.

It has always been LIFE for those who practice it. The more they desire God in prayer, the more they look like Him and overcome temptation and sin. They become anxious about absolutely NOTHING. IN ALL THINGS, BY PRAYER AND THANKSGIVING, THEY MAKE THEIR REQUESTS KNOWN TO GOD. AND THE PEACE OF GOD THAT SURPASSES ALL UNDERSTANDING GUARDS THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS (Phil 4: 6-7).

Why not join them. Now is even the best time to start. After all that you see and go through, is it not time that you devoted yourself to prayer? Some of these challenges you see, can not be moved unless by prayer and fasting (Mark 9: 29). Begin to pray now. Commit everything to God. Afterwards rise up in faith and rejoice in thanksgiving. The rest will be taken care of by your Great God. He’s marvellous at this! See you at church!

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