A Tube To Fill Selfish Appetites

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Flattery: A Tube To Fill Selfish Appetites
Text: Romans 16: 18

For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Amen.

In most parts of the world, one activity that takes place along major roads is hawking. Hawkers are smooth talkers. They sell anything and everything. It is always as if they truely know what their potential customers want even before approaching them.

Many at times, it is only when we have paid for the item(s) that we realize we didn’t really need them after all or that they are of low quality. By which time, the hawker is moved on to meet the next potential buyer.

In life, we have “hawkers” too. These are people who smooth-talk us into their ideologies that appeal to our emotions, desires and itchy ears. Yet, hidden beneath their great presentation, is the quest to prey on our naivety, till we become victims of their selfish interest. They give all the undeserving attention just to win a person’s trust. Then they leverage on that to attain their selfish gains.

Unfortunately, some of such smooth talkers are preachers. The kind who have successfully changed the message of salvation and repentance into preaching false prosperity. They are not of God and are wining many to worldliness instead of Christ-likeness.

Some other smooth talkers are men/women seeking to take advantage of others under the disguise of love. They tell you things to make you believe they really care about you and have your best interest at heart. But no! They were deceivers, now you know. And have left some bad wounds and scars all over you. God have mercy.

Not surprising as you will agree, some of these smooth talkers are leaders, C.E.O.s, directors and politicians. They promise hope and yet only take advantage of the vulnerable in the society because they are naive or needy. They have no remorse as long as their schemes keep working to feed their selfish interest.

Dear Beloved, Apostle Paul is admonishing us this morning to be careful of all such. These people do not fear God, neither are they serving our Lord Jesus Christ. Their efforts are just to feed and over feed their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people.

Begin to pray and ask God to open your eyes to such people, so that you will not be naive and taken advantage of. The conviction within, from the Holy Spirit, is true and does not flatter; pursue that one. See you at church.

Make the Lord the treasure you seek, the strength of your life, and your all in all. Click: https://youtu.be/C7awua3x2uc
NB: Exactly two weeks (14 Days) to 4Jband’s Moriah Praise Reloaded at the CANIS MAJORIS EVENT CENTER-AWOSHIE. Time: 3pm. Bring the family to a life time worship experience. Admission is free.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion