Today’s Devotion

Topic: Back To The Bible

Text: Matthew 21: 42 

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: “‘The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? Amen.

The second coming of our Lord draws nearer everyday. We therefore ought to continue living in the light so not to be caught in darkness.

We live in a world full of sin and terror. Perversion and wickedness are on the rise. The strong dominate and crush the feeble until that latter is utterly destroyed. Day by day, the cry against injustice is heard all over the world, yet there seem to be no end to discriminations and abuse. It has become conspicuous that the only beam of hope to cling to, is the WORD of God. In fact all things pertaining unto godliness are embedded in the word.

In John 15: 22 Jesus said “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin”.

Brethren, it is important we know that a day is coming when all things will be subjected to the standard of the WORD OF GOD. On that day, no excuse shall be tangible enough.

You see, the bible has been translated into almost every major language in the world. It is both accessible and affordable. Yet we would rather read every other material readable than to spend time with THE WORD.

So then, on the day of judgement, when King of kings ask you this simple question “… Have you not read from the scripture?”. What will be your response? Be assured that the usual excuses we give  (I was feeling lazy, I was tired from work, I don’t have a personal bible) will not hold substance before our Righteous Judge and king.

In fact, our Lord Jesus warns us of the verdict that shall passed on all those who live according to the desires of their hearts and not by the word of God. He said “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil” (John 3: 19). Are you a child of the LIGHT or of DARKNESS? Remember, those that belong to the LIGHT, live according to God’s Word. David said to the Lord ” THY WORD IS A LAMP TO MY FEET AND LIGHT UNTO MY PATH”.

Let us go back to the Bible. It contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way to salvation, the doom of sinners and the happiness of believers. It precepts are true, converting the soul. Study it to show yourself approved to rightly divide the word of Truth.

In this dry and barren land, begin to pray for the yearning of God’s Word, a hunger and thirst for righteousness. Also pray for illumination by Holy Spirit as you read, so that you are changed to be more and more like HIM. On that day, you will not be found wanting.

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Categories: devotion