There’s Hope: I’m Alive!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: There’s Hope: I’m Alive!
Text: Ecclesiastes 9: 4

4 Anyone who is among the living has hope— even a live dog is better off than a dead lion! Amen.

Reading this devotion is a confirmation that you are alive. A blessing too great to take for granted.

Many who have passed on would have given everything to continue living if that was possible. This is because HOPE remains with only them who LIVE.

LIFE IS A PRECIOUS AND PRICELESS GIFT. IT IS A PRIVILEGE AND NOT A RIGHT. A PRODUCT OF GOD’S MERCY, NOT OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. He is the giver of life. It is in Him we live, move and have our being. Let’s not take that for granted.

Everything is possible to those who have Life. More can be gained, good can be improved to best, mistakes can be corrected, offenses can be forgiven, unfulfilled dreams can be realized.

Don’t let the troubles of yesterday affect your confidence in God about today. Don’t let the devil make you feel your life is better dead than alive. JESUS WILLS THAT YOU HAVE LIFE, AND HAVE IT IN ABUNDANCE!

Today is a gift, loaded with greater blessings. In fact, there’s more hope for you today than there was yesterday so be thankful for LIFE. Make the LORD your portion in this land of the Living and He will make your wants His care. Begin to pray now. Kindly click, watch and be blessed:

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion