Wait Until It Happens!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Wait Until It Happens!
Text: Proverbs 27:1

Don’t brag about your plans for tomorrow — wait and see what happens. Amen

More often than not, we get over-excited when we get full assurance of the outcome of future events; when our future expectations seem to becoming realities. At that instance, we begin to tell everyone about it — our ambitions, hopes and plans. The bible cautions us to desist from such bragging.

Bragging about your plans is not a sign of humility. It implies that you can do without God. Remember, the Bible says, “he who exalts himself will be humbled” (James 4: 6, 10). This bragging also undermines the sovereignty of God, in that only He knows tomorrow and holds the final say to all that can happen.

When you brag, it is a way of saying the future is certain by your calculations, projections and abilities; regardless of God’s ability to cause a change (read: Luke 12: 13- 21 & James 4: 13 – 17).

Thirdly, making noise about our capabilities, our breakthroughs and others also exposes us unnecessarily and either gives us pressure to measure up when the situation takes unexpected turns or invite opposition from foul spirits whose occupation is to steal, kill and destroy all which is good and perfect.

But Brethren, you see, the people we share our future plans with can be one of the following:

a. Those who become jealous and unsupportive of our progression.

b. Those who do not care about our progression.

c. Those who become impatient and anxious about their own progress just when they hear of our impending breakthrough. They question God and accuse Him of being unfair to them and could even walk out of the faith to hasten the process of their blessings.

d. Those who would discourage us from taking the steps to progression.

So tell believers to note that, the period when we are nearing our breakthrough is simply a time of waiting. That is the time to pray and believe God to bring it to pass. When we hear good news, we should not be quick to brag about it, for there are vision killers and indifferent people who may not like the idea for no just reason.

Make it a prayer that the Lord will tame your tongue concerning your plans (James 3: 1- 6). Also, pray and surrender all your ambitions, hopes and plans to Him. Finally, ask the Lord to cause every good pipeline deal to materialize in your life. Begin to pray now!

The God who answers by fire will bring to pass all which concerns your life. DON’T BRAG, JUST PRAY, BELIEVE AND OBEY! Kindly click, watch and be blessed: https://youtu.be/_KIF01Ix6Lw

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion