‘Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord in charge of the harvest to send out more labourers into His fields.” Amen
In the Scripture above, Jesus points out that it is not enough for us to be saved from the bondage of sin, unto eternal life.
He outlines three responsibilities of every true child of God:
1) We should be conscious of the ripe and plentiful harvest around us. We must be able to discern the many opportunities He gives us to present the Gospel to people around us.
2) We must take our place as labourers in His fields, actively working to bring others to personal faith in Him.
3) We must earnestly pray that He would send more labourers into His fields to harvest the many souls waiting to be saved.
Beloved, the next time you are tempted to talk about the influx of false prophets and doctrines, ask of how you have contributed to saving souls, and pray that many GENUINE labourers would be equipped and sent by God.
Remember to pray into today’s church service, and don’t miss church.
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