Benefits of Afflictions Part 1. (Text: 2 Cor 4:17) June 28 2013

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. Amen

Today we continue our 3 day series on suffering!

Yesterday we identified two broad themes to explore on the subject matter. We actually discussed one (ie the nature of affliction). Today we explore the second theme: The purpose of affliction.

From the scripture above, we can say the purpose of affliction is to work in us incomparable weights of eternal glory. This means affliction produces in us godly virtues and favour that surpasses all human understanding.

It purges away all forms of self, pride, lust and stubborness until we are broken to be able to put on the nature of CHRIST in absolute obedience!

The affliction you going through right now is intended by God to be that divine fire that purges and refines the pure gold in you.

Therefore, stop crying and feeling sorry about your life. Weeping may have endured till last night but your JOY has come THIS MORNING.

Jesus is your strength when you are weak. HE IS YOUR ETERNAL REWARD! Don’t give up the fight!

Meditate on this and pray for grace!

Categories: Featured,Today's Devotion