Today’s Devotion
Topic: To Seek And Save The Lost
Self Assessment
Background: Many struggled to understand Jesus. How is it that He spoke about the righteousness of God and mingled with ordinary men? They were not used to that. The Pharisees and teachers of the Law who also appeared to talk about the righteousness of God, only mingled amongst themselves.
Again Jesus was sometimes seen talking with people society called “sinners” (especially tax collectors), while the Pharisees often shun such folks and advice others to do same. Jesus was different for a reason. As Son of Man, HE DIDN’T COME FOR THE SELF RIGHTEOUS, BUT TO SEEK AND SAVE THE LOST.
Let’s delve deeper into the events that led to this profound statement and see if we can learn more truth about the person and mission of Christ.
I Text: Luke 19: 1 – 10
i. In verse 3, we see that Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but He was short and the crowd limited him. In our days, what are some of the factors that limit people from “encountering” Jesus?
ii. In verse 4, Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus. In what ways therefore can those who are really determined to see Jesus encounter Him?
iii. Jesus walks to the sycamore-fig tree Zacchaeus climbed and commanded him down. What are some of the ways Jesus reaches out to us every day with the request to live in our hearts? Unlike Zacchaeus who welcomed Him gladly, why do most of us resist Him?
iv. Read verses 7 to 9 again. In what ways can we confirm that by accepting Jesus into his heart and then home, Zacchaeus truly repented?
v. In response to the people’s muttering that Jesus was friends with sinners, Jesus emphatically stated that HE CAME TO SEEK AND SAVE THE LOST. What does that statement mean? Why is it a blessing to know this as the mission of Christ?
vi. What have you learnt from today’s study?
Kindly share your thoughts with us. We learn a great deal from what you share.
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