Rest Assured

Today’s Devotion

Topic: Rest Assured 

Text: Deut 9:3 

But be assured today that the LORD your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire. He will destroy them; He will subdue them before you. And you will drive them out and annihilate them quickly, as the LORD has promised you. Amen 

Beginning a new day, week, month or year is often characterized by some fears and uncertainties. We usually wonder how things will turn out and what events will unfold in the unknown tomorrow.

The truth remains, however, that we can always fall on the One who knows the end from the beginning and trust Him to lead us safely through each moment. 

Today’s Scripture points out 3 amazing truths that we can live by: 

1) The Almighty God is capable of going across ahead of us into each new day. 

2) When God goes ahead of us, He demonstrates His power to devour, destroy and subdue every evil that might have been planted in our way.

3) He then gives us the strength to perform and make the most of every opportunity. 

Beloved, begin to pray. Ask God to go ahead of you in this week, to secure your path and equip you to be the best you can be wherever you find yourself. You can rest assured that the Creator of the entire universe has all your “tomorrows” in His hands.

Pray with the hymn ” Because He lives, I Can Face Tomorrow; Because He Lives, All Fear Is Gone; And Now I Know, Yes I Know!, He Holds The Future, And Life Is Worth The Living,  Just, Because He Lives!

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