Lend to God

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Lend to God
Text: Prov 19: 17 (NIV)

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. Amen

Around the world, economies are struggling and citizens are at their wit ends. We work harder now and earn the same old salary even though prices of goods and services are rising.

Christian theologians say it is bound to happen because the bible says so, economists counter attack each other for recommending unrealistic policies. Politicians say they are working around the clock to stabilize the economy to make this world a better place.

All the above have made the citizenry very confused. People bearly have any surplus to save or invest lately. Honestly, our confidence about tomorrow remains in Christ and Christ alone.

Proverbs 19: 17 encourages us this morning to try the best, safest and most reliable investment venture all time. That is to LEND TO THE LORD by showing empathy and care towards the needy and vulnerable in society.

Yes! It is true we bearly have any surplus lately but let us do your best to share our food, clothes and other limited resources with the poor. That way, we are LENDING TO THE LORD and He will repay us good measure according to His riches in glory.

Brethren come aboard! We can partner God to put smiles on sad faces, food into hungry stomachs, and to the needy child, the HOPE for a brighter tomorrow.

Remember: blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain MERCY. Meditate on this word, identify some needy people you can help, pray for strength as you take this bold step. God will use your life, to show that He cares. He will repay your lose with ten thousand, beside. Kindly click, watch and be blessed: https://youtu.be/McUO9lh_yCs

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion