Today’s Devotion
Topic: Good Things Stored Up For Those Who Fear Him
Text: Psalms 31: 19- 20
19 How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you. 20 In the shelter of your presence you hide them from all human intrigues; you keep them safe in your dwelling from accusing tongues. Amen
This is so amazing. The Sovereign Lord has so many GOOD THINGS stored for those who fear Him and those who take refuge in Him. But what does it mean to fear God?
The broad command to “fear the Lord” involves understanding several things about His nature, and how a believer’s relationship with Him ought to be due to that nature.
1. GOD IS LOVING AND JUST: Beloved in Christ, we must recognize that God is loving, merciful and forgiving; BUT HE ALSO IS HOLY, JUST AND RIGHTEOUS. Knowing God this way, implies accepting the fact that His justice and holiness (i.e., purity, perfection, completeness of character and separation from evil) cause Him to judge sin. So that we are careful to obey His word in love and not live in spite, dishonor and contempt to this divine nature.
2. THE FEAR OF THE LORD CAN PRODUCE AWE: Precious One, fearing the Lord also means to be in reverent awe of His holiness. That is, to honor Him as the God of great glory, majesty, purity and power. For example, when God revealed Himself to the Israelites at Mount Sinai through “thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast,” they all “trembled” in fear (Exodus 19: 16) because of His great power. They even begged Moses to deliver God’s message to them so they would not have to encounter God Himself (Exodus 20: 18- 19; Deuteronomy 5: 22- 27).
Also, when the psalm writer reflects on God as Creator, he says: “Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the people of the world revere Him. For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm” (Ps 33: 8- 9).
3. THE FEAR OF THE LORD CAN PRODUCE FAITH: Beloved, true fear of the Lord causes believers to place their faith and trust in Him alone for salvation. For example, after the Israelites crossed through the Red Sea on dry ground and saw how God destroyed the Egyptian army who came after them, they “feared the Lord and put their trust in Him”. The psalmist encourages all who fear the Lord to “trust in the Lord– He is their help and shield” (Ps 115: 11). In other words, fearing God produces confidence, hope and trust in Him, which are necessary when we are looking to God for mercy, forgiveness (Luke 1: 50; Psalm 103: 11; 130: 4) and spiritual salvation (Psalm 85: 9). Here, fearing God means to be moved to believe and trust Him.
Now, what is a refuge? Well, it can be simply defined as, “shelter or protection from danger or distress.” Taking refuge therefore, is like finding a safe place during a storm or getting comfort in times of trouble. What will it mean then TO TAKE REFUGE IN THE LORD?
1. TO ACCEPT THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE LORD AS OMNIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENT AND OMNISCIENT. This means the believer recognises without a shadow of doubt that God is all powerful, He is everywhere, and sees, knows and understand everything. No one dares snatch from Him nor attempts destruction under His watch.
2. TO ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AS THE DWELLING PLACE FOR ALL WHO WANT SAFETY AND COMFORT. The psalmist puts it clearer in Psalm 91: 1- 2, when he writes, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Proverbs 18: 10 also explains that, “the name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”
3. TO NOW SEARCH ALL SCRIPTURES AND ABIDE IN THEM. Holding on to God’s word in absolute obedience and blessed hope. What happens then is that everyday’s prayer and Bible study brings us closer to the secret place of the Most High, and His covering keeps us safe from the terror of the night, and the arrow that flies by day.
Are you inspired now to FEAR GOD AND TAKE HIM AS YOU REFUGE? If so, get ready to receive a great package of good things this new week. It is already stored up for. Begin to pray now. Enter into the abundance of the Lord’s household and make your dwelling there, in Jesus mighty name. Click:
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