Forward Always!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Forward Always!
Text: Ecclesiastes 7: 10

Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions. Amen

Everybody has a story; everybody has a song. So many times we compare our past successes with our current situation and we tend to feel bad about ourselves that we have either remained stagnant or have done even worse. At that point our experience is just like the account in Psalm 137 “By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion…”

Beloved, there is no wisdom in asking questions which do not have answers. Instead, let us have faith in God and His word. The Lord assures us that “The end of a matter is better than its beginning…”(Eccl 7:8). He is making every crooked path of yours straight if you are willing to take positive steps to reconstruct your life.

In fact, God is levelling every mountain and exalting every valley for your sake. He has plans of good and not evil, to bring you to an expected end and give you hope for your future. Just focus on what is ahead, for God is not through with you yet.
You may have been on fire for God sometime past and you feel you are not doing much for Him now.

Because of guilt, you may not want to even go to church anymore or even pray. But know that God does not feed the guilty, but the hungry. He doesn’t clothe the guilty, but the naked. Instead of feeling all guilty about your past, why don’t you take responsibility and go to Him just as you are. He will fix, equip and endow you.

As we begin this new week, dwell not on the past but focus on Christ; the Author and Finisher of your faith. For He has said that He will never fail you. Begin to pray that your past mistakes would rather encourage you, instead of making you feel guilty, so that you can stand for the Lord till the end.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion