Today’s Devotion
Topic: Do Not Transfer The Pain!
Text: 1 Chronicles 4: 9
Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” Amen
The word Jabez is used twice in the bible, first as a place (1 Chronicles 2:55) and then as the name of a man (1 Chronicles 4:9).
The bible accounts that, he got the name JABEZ because his mother bore him out of pain. It is not clearly stated in what circumstance of pain his mother was in. It could have been the pain associated with child birth, or other circumstances surrounding his conception.
Eventually, the pain or sorrow associated with his name may have had such a negative impact on his life. This is evident in the prayer he made. For though He was more honourable that all his brothers, he still said “oh, that you will bless me, enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, keep me from harm so that I WILL BE FREE FROM PAIN (1 Chronicles 4: 10)
Some parents out of the pain of a bad marriage have maltreated their children to the point, that pain and sorrow have become part of their wards’ adulthood.
Out of the pains of past unfortunate relationships, men & women continue to transfer the said pain to their new spouse. Employees take the pains of their old jobs into new ones.
Beloved, it is a fact that pain hurts but do not transfer it by the power of your mouth and actions unto another.
You see, like Jabez, some of us, though honourable still have to deal with the negative effects of transfered pain that some relative, teacher or senior colleagues carelessly imparted to us. We have become very emotionally unstable with occasional relapses of mistrust, lack of confidence and depression.
But listen, there is good news for you whose life is governed by the effects of the unfortunate circumstances of your past. The bible says Jabez cried out to the God of Israel and God granted his request. There is still power in the name of Jesus to break every chain if only you will cry to the Lord.
It is time to trade all that sorrow for the JOY of the Lord. Yes, time to trade your pain for divine relief, mourning into dancing and disappointments into divine appointments. Begin to pray and cry out onto the Lord like Jabez did. God will hear your request and turn your life around. YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN! Click on link to receive MORE OF GOD in Jesus mighty name:
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