Big God, Small Beginnings! (Christmas Series 1)

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Big God, Small Beginnings! (Christmas Series 1)
Text: Micah 5: 2

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Amen.

How can it be that a big God will so love small beginnings? It is incredible. This contrast in the nature of our God confuses us all the time.

Each time we go to Him in prayer with a list of big dreams and aspirations, He tells us not to despise humble beginnings and honestly, that is not what we want to hear.

We often pray and say “Lord, we want to make it big time, we want to be so successful with our influence cutting across nations and cultures. We want to be so famous with the biggest houses, companies and cars bearing our names.”

The question however is: why do we want to be so great? Is it to His Glory we desire these things or for our own pride? How is it that it totally eludes us that all things great, begin small?

You see, God wants us to be great too, but for the purpose of using our lives to bring glory to His name. To achieve that, He will have to take us step by step, teaching us all we need to know at each level of the ladder of success so that our grounding will be firm. That is the kind of God He is.

When He decided to send His only begotten Son into the world, He chose Bethlehem to be His birth place. This He did knowing very well that Bethlehem was the smallest among the clans of Judah. He also chose a simple virgin not a princess or royal. He chose a manger not an Inn. He chose shepherds to be the first to see the new born baby instead of kings and royalties.

So the next time you want something big from the Lord, know that it will not happen in a vacuum. It will begin with how you receive, appreciate, harness and develop those “small/ little/ lowly” things He brings your way daily. Imbedded in these small beginnings are great blessings, mighty empires, multi-companies, mega ministries and so on and so forth. This is what makes Him God.

Meditate on this word and begin to pray. Ask God for the grace to identify the hidden potentials in every “small” opportunity that He brings your way so that we can be diligent with them.

Click to celebrate the Living God who specializes in magnifying small beginnings into great successes. He is God:

Only 5 days to “For Jesus Band (4Jband)” MORIAH PRAISE RELOADED Concert. Pray with us into the program that on that day, your worship, and our worship will be a sweet fragrance unto our Lord. He deserves far more than we can ever offer in a lifetime. The venue: CANIS MAJORIS-AWOSHIE. Time: 3pm on the dot. Come with family & friends! Come, expecting Jesus.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion