Offer It All For His Use!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Offer It All For His Use!
Tex: Exodus 4: 2, 20

2 Then the LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” “A staff,” he replied. 20 So Moses took his wife and sons, put them on a donkey and started back to Egypt. And he took the staff of God in his hand. Amen

At Mount Hored God called Moses and commissioned him to return to Egypt and deliver His people from slavery. Ordinary as Moses felt, he wondered how Pharoah was to take him serious. He was a fugetive!

Jehovah asked him “what is it you have in your hands?”. Being a sherperd, Moses had a staff. God didn’t require anything else to prove His greatness to Pharoah, just the same staff Moses held. From that day, that STAFF ceased to be Moses’s staff but the “Staff of God” (vrs 20).

Beloved, it is natural to lay claim on all our earnings and possesions, after all, they are the result of our hardwork and labour. But watch this: before ascending to heaven, our Lord Jesus commissioned us to preach the good news to the ends of the world. He requires ALL WE ARE and HAVE to demonstrate His power and deliver His people.

And so He’s asking you today “What is it you have in your hands?”. It doesn’t have to be anything very special as you sometimes consider should be. Remember Moses never thought any special of his staff but by availing it to God, it became God’s working tool.

This morning, we should not simply by “lip service” offer your lives, let us mean every bit of it. Offer your body (which is His temple), time, money, properties, family, and every other thing we can claim to be ours.

Moses did not only avail his staff but his entire family too. Begin to pray now! Ask the Holy Spirit to help you offer your life without reservations for His use. Click:

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion