Tell Them The Truth!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Tell Them The Truth!
Text: Jeremiah 6:14 or Jeremiah 8:11

They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. Amen

You and I will bear witness to the fact that we have seen more churches in our generation than we have ever heard being told!

We have more men and women of God today than our parents’ generation. Sadly, another thing we see more and more of, each passing moment is, EVIL & PERVERSION- even in the church.

For the love of money, fame, recognition and superioriry, man continues to slain his fellow. We have stolen from the poor, the vulnerable and the helpless and have called it ambitions. We have corrupted our minds with profanity and carry ourselves about without subjection, and we have called it mordenity and civilization.

Unfortunately, some of our pastors, evangelists, ministers, prayer warriors, friends and other workers of the kingdom, etc, look on and as evil is done but say, “IT IS WELL, PEACE BE WITH YOU”.

Let us by the love of Christ tell the sinner Jesus loves him. He should repent for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Tell him the truth, he doesn’t have to die in his sins and lose spending eternal with God.

Tell the people in authority (Parents, Pastors, Managers, leaders anywhere) that they are but stewards of all that God has put them charge. They render account on how they handled and managed every one of the resources God gave them.

Tell the Christian that lives his/ her life anyhow that they shouldn’t be deceived, God is not mocked whatever a man sows, that same he will reap!

Tell the corrupt politician that God is watching. The eyes of the Lord moves to and fro to see if there’s one in the land that fears the Lord and shows mercy. He sees all the deceit- He will not be silent.

After the Holy Ghost empowered Peter and the other disciples (Acts 4), they began to speak the WORD with boldness. May that same boldness to defend the course of Christ by standing for TRUTH come upon us all in JESUS NAME. TELL THEM THE TRUTH, it is the only way. Begin to pray now. Click:

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