
Today’s Devotion
Topic: Giving
Self Assessment

Background: During his travels, Apostle Paul found the people of Corinth to be incredible “givers” and had since been boasting about this to the Macedonians. But now he was going to visit Corinth with some of the brethren from Macedonia and was afraid that his boast about their eagerness to give may prove hollow because they may not be as prepared for his coming as they were before.

To prevent such an embarrassing situation, the Apostle was to send some brothers ahead of his trip to stir up the generosity in the Corinthian church before Paul and the Macedonians arrived (2 Cor 9: 1-5).

Although many do agree that giving is very fundamental to our very existence, we all seem to struggle to fulfil its demands in one way or another. Everyone likes to receive, but few love to give.

Why should the Apostle want proof that the Corinthians are still willing to give before he’s confident about the visit? Could it be for the same reasons that man is totally unstable when it comes to generosity? And that the same sanctified believers who were once very generous to Paul can now be so unreliable when it comes to giving? If so, what factors contribute to that and what should be the way forward?

For these and more, let’s delve straight into our weekly bible study for deeper insights and revelations.

READING: 2 Corinthians 9: 6- 14


i. What is giving? Who must give and who shouldn’t? In your opinion, is it easy to give?

ii. In verse 6, Apostle Paul mentions that those who give sparingly, reap sparingly; but those who give generously reap generously. Please explain.

iii. If verse 6 is true, why would anybody give out of compulsion and not cheerfully as verse 7 explains? What are some of the factors that make us give out of compulsion at times?

iv. Mention and explain some of the many blessings associated with giving as listed in verses 8, through 11.

v. If these blessings are there, tested and proven, why do we all struggle so much to give; even to support a neighbour or the work of God?

vi. According to verses 12 to 14, our generosity is not only there to supply the needs of God’s people. In what other godly way does it influence those who receive from you?

vii. Read verse 14 carefully. Paul explains that those who receive from you are encouraged to pray for you. And in the prayers, their hearts go out to you. What does it mean to have one’s heart go out for the other in prayer? What is the blessing in that?

viii. What have you learnt from today’s study?
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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion